Food Poisoning and Pregnancy 

Food poisoning means that the food you consume was contaminated. Food poisoning is mostly not harmful and may not cause long-term problems for you and the fetus types of food poisoning.


The listeria monocytogenes bacteria are generally found in some raw vegetables, meat dairy products and processed soft cheese. Symptoms may include fever muscle pain, nausea, diarrhea, headache or even convulsions in pregnant women. The infection can cause premature delivery infection of the fetus still birth or long-term health issues for the baby.

2- Toxoplasmosis: 

Toxoplasmosis can be caused by soil or a surface contaminated with cat litter or feces. Symptoms may be flu like or cause muscle aches and swollen glands. The infection can pass on from the mother to the fetus resulting in miscarriage spill birth and birth defects.


Salmonellosis is caused by touching an infected animal or eating contaminated foods. Symptoms include dehydration and bacteremia. Bacteria in the blood babies born with salmonellosis may have diarrhea fever or even meningitis after birth causes of food poisoning.

1. Unhygienic cleaning and storage of food items 

2. Contaminated water

3. Use of stored slash processed food versus freshly prepared foodfor not following a personal hygieneregimen 

Treatment of Food Poisoning During Pregnancy

1. Stay hydrated

2. Identify the specific cause of foodpoisoning

3. Once the cause is identified start the

Treatment suggested by your doctor home remedies for food poisoning during pregnancy

1. Take proper rest to speed up your recovery process 

2. Flush out all the toxins from your body by drinking as much fluids as possible

3. Consume soft easily digestible foods once you start feeling better you canreturn to your regular diet

4. Avoid milk and milk based food during your illness

5. Take lots of probiotics you may check with your doctor regarding this

6. Completely avoid processed or packaged foods the best approach to prevent food poisoning is to actively get involved in eating the food that keeps you fit and minimizes the risk of food poisoning.