Making children understand that they have to eat healthy foods is not always easy. For this reason many of us hear that we should drink milk to give the growth spurt, carrots to have the site of an eagle or spinach to get as strong as popeye. Our parents exaggerated the benefits of these foods but not everything they said was false diet can make our health better or worse. Depending on whether we eat more or less healthy food, it is also true that certain nutrients are necessary for the correct function of some organs. In other words eating certain foods can help the state of our heart, kidneys or liver. For example the same thing happens with the brain although the fundamental thing is that all organs remain healthy the brain is considered the most important. It is responsible for the whole body functioning perfectly but it also houses memory intellect and other cognitive functions. Nuts or green leafy vegetables are good for the brain however, other common foods in our diets damage it next. 

We will see the seven foods that are worst for our brain. 

1- Sugary Drinks:

 We already know that excess sugar does not do our body any good. It favors obesity and its associated diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, dementia and even alzheimer's. Although we automatically associate sugary drinks with carbonated soft drinks there are other liquids that we can classify in this group sports drinks are a good example. But so are fruit juices many of those bought in the supermarket have added sugars but the natural ones are not good either because they lose the fiber and raise the glycemic index.

 2- Refined Carbohydrates: 

If we want to reduce the amount of sugar we eat. We must reduce refined carbohydrates. Most of us do not usually associate these foods with sugar because they are neither sweet nor contain it as an ingredient. However after consuming these foods our blood sugar levels skyrocket the one we eat most often is white bread. The flour with which white bread is made is refined this means that parts of the wheat grain that contain the fiber and micronutrients that make this cereal healthy have been removed to manufacture it. Without these components these foods also raise their glycemic index and skyrocket blood sugar levels.

 3- Trans Fats: 

These types of fats should be avoided at all costs because they are associated with several diseases related to metabolic syndrome. They are found in many industrial foods such as sweets or processed snacks. According to the American Health portal health line diets high in trans fats are associated with an increased risk of alzheimer's, poor memory and cognitive decline. In any case we should not demonize fats in general the consumption of unsaturated fatty acids present in olive oil, nuts and oily fish is associated with a reduction in the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. In fact oily fish are associated with better brain health for the ultra processed foods if trans fats and free sugars are not good for our brain neither ultra processed foods. 

4-Ultra Processes Foods:

These foods of industrial origin usually contain saturated and trans fats sugars and excess salt to make them more attractive. They are very abundant in supermarkets and according to several studies their regular consumption is associated with a higher risk of mortality. Healthline explains that the consumption of ultra processed foods has also been linked to developing degenerative diseases. The portal points out that some international articles have found that people who eat too many ultra processed foods have worse learning or memory. 

5- Aspartame: 

Sugar is a great enemy of those trying to lose weight or lead a healthier lifestyle instead of learning to live without it many of us have chosen to replace it with other artificial ones that do not have calories. It is not yet clear that they are entirely harmless one of them that is very present in the industry is aspartame it is considered a safe product within the food industry. But healthline points to some studies that have found associated harm according to this platform excessive consumption of aspartame worsens our mood. It is related to a more irritable mood and can make our brain more vulnerable to oxidative stress.

6- Alcohol: 

It's no surprise that alcohol affects the state of the brain. Although it is common to hear that occasional consumption is harmless. Many experts recommend avoiding it completely, alcohol generates dependence affects the nervous system and causes memory loss and confusion. Continued consumption over the years deteriorates the quality and duration of sleep and in addition has a negative effect on mood and alters the interpretation of emotions. 

7- Fish with Mercury: 

Although oily fish fats have shown benefits for brain health we must be careful with the consumption we make of those species that present a greater risk of high mercury concentrations. These are the largest fish that accumulate this metal by incorporating it from the smaller species. They feed on mercury is toxic to the central nervous system and can damage the brain. The effects can be severe if consumed in excess during pregnancy or in childhood so keep your brain healthy by avoiding above-mentioned foods.