In this blog I'm going to advice to help you how to reduce cholesterol levels naturally. 

Be more physically active 

Doing 2.5 hours of physical exercise a week is enough (for example,  walk for half an hour a day). This is easy,healthy, and all you need for it  is a pair of good shoes.  

Do not smoke

 Even smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day  significantly increases blood cholesterol  levels. Avoiding cigarette smoke and maintaining a healthy diet improves blood  cholesterol levels in just 2-3 weeks.

Avoid stress

 Stress directly increases blood cholesterol levels. Release  stress with relaxing exercises and meditation.Concentrate on your breathing  and breathe deeply.

Control food quality

 One portion of meat or fish is approximately an amount that can fit in your palm. One portion  of fresh fruit should be the size of your fist.One portion of vegetables, rice, or pasta  should be about two handfuls worth. 

Keep the diet

 People receive 20% of their cholesterol from food. This 20% can be significantly reduced with  a proper diet.

 Avoid fried food

It is best to eat stew, baked, or grilled foods. Diet for reduction of blood cholesterol. 

No fast food 

Crisps, hamburgers, pastries, and cakes are banned. These products contain  trans-fats, which increase cholesterol. 

Do not eat too many eggs

It is recommended to eat no more  than 3 eggs a week. However, if you separate the  yolks, it is fine to continue eating just the egg whites as much as you like.

 No subproducts

Animal products such as the liver, kidneys, lungs,  tongue, and brain contain a lot of cholesterol. Reduce the amount of these foods in  your diet as much as you can. 

Dairy food

 Choose kefir and milk with at most 1% fat and non-fatty yogurts, sour  cream, and cottage cheese. 



Beans contain a lot of fiber, lecithin, and beta-glucans. 1.5 cups of beans or lentils a  day (for example, in soup) can reduce cholesterol levels by approximately 19%. 

Green tea

Green tea is full of antioxidants. Participants  of a study who had green tea every day saw their cholesterol reduced by 7.3 mg/dl. 

Fish and seafood

 Fish caviar, sprats, oily river  fish, and squid contain a lot of cholesterol. It is best to eat sea fish rich  in omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids. 

Carrot and citrus

Eating two carrots every day for three weeks reduces cholesterol levels by 10-15%. Pectin,  which is found in grapefruit, reduces cholesterol by an average of 7.6% in 8 weeks. 


Bananas are rich in potassium and can reduce  blood cholesterol by removing it from the digestive system. They are considered to be  one of the best foods for the heart.  


Fatty acids in avocados stimulate the metabolism. After 6 weeks of eating avocado, blood cholesterol  levels can be reduced by approximately 8%. 

 Please discuss your diet with your doctor and  do not self-medicate. Take care of yourself and be healthy.