We understand that establishing a healthier routine can be difficult. But eliminating some everyday food from your kitchen is a good way to start the process. Specifically, the food that’s linked to unhealthy living habits.


 White bread: If you still have white bread in your kitchen, it's time to re-evaluate. It contains highly processed carbs, making it a huge barrier between you and a healthy diet. It also lacks fiber and leads to blood sugar spikes. It is a simple carbohydrate that can cause weight gain. It leads to higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other lifestyle-related chronic conditions. 

Mayonnaise: Everyone loves mayonnaise on sandwiches, burgers, wraps and pizzas. What you don’t realize is that you are loading your body with unwanted fat and calories. Just a quarter cup contains 360 calories and 40 grams of fat. Switch to low-calorie condiments like mustard and salsa. You can also use light mayonnaise, which contains just 35 calories and 3.5 grams of fat in onetablespoon.

Granola: This might come as a shock as granola is generally considered a healthy food. But, the fact is that this yummy breakfast cereal contains a lot of sugar and too little fiber. Just one cup serving of granola can provide 600 calories to your system.You can replace it with a crunchy cereal, which contains more fiber than sugar. Try having a tablespoon of nuts like walnuts, almonds or berries to satisfy your sweet tooth. If you do not want to give up your granola entirely, sprinkle over a small amount of low or non-fat yogurt.

Soda: Did you know that nearly 100% of the calories in regular soda come from sugar or high-fructose corn syrup? In fact, it is considered the real culprit behind obesity. It also damages your teeth and leads to cavity formation. Studies have shown that cola drinks can weaken your bones. Processed sugary drinks, such as bottled teas, sports and energy drinks, can also drastically increase your calorie consumption without providing any nutrients.

Canned Soups: They might seem healthy, but canned soups contain high amounts of salt. Made correctly, soup can provide a hearty meal packed full of vitamins and other goodness. So if you want to eat it, then stick to making your own. That's way you know exactly what is going into it and won’t fall into the high salt trap of the canned varieties.

Whole milk: We all swear upon the health promoting qualities of milk. Rich in calcium and other vital nutrients, it is beneficial for people of all age groups. But whole milk contains saturated fat, which raises the cholesterol levels and triggers inflammation.It also leads to clogged arteries. However, this doesn’t mean that you should give up drinking milk. All you need to do is opt for skimmed or 1 % low fat milk. You can also opt for milk from plant sources like soy, almond or coconut.

Processed Meats: Processed meats have been modified to contain nitrates and other chemical additives to help preserve the meat for longer and enhance the colour. Some of them like sausages are also made up of leftover, unwanted parts of animals, mixed up with high amounts of salt and fat. Eating processed meat can also cause health risks including high blood pressure, heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Frozen Meals: Although frozen ready meals might be a convenient choice, they offer little in the way of nutritional value. To turn something that sits in your freezer for months on end into an edible meal, manufacturers add in high levels of preservatives and sodium to the food. Rather than filling your freezer with shop bought ready meals, batch make your own homemade alternatives and freeze the individual portions.

Sweet Cereals: Almost every kitchen has this food item. We are not claiming every cereal is harmful to your health, but yes, there are certain cereals with high sugar content.They are definitely harmful to your body. It may make your morning meal taste good but it will definitely lead to a lot of health problems in the long run.

Candy Bars: Candy bars are another indulgence that can have serious ramifications on your health. With saturated fat, sugar, and calories, these treats are best eaten once in a while. If they are part of your regular diet, they can lead to serious health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.

Flavored Yogurt: Yes, flavored yogurt tastes much better than its plain peers. But it contains double the amount of sugar than the regular one.Fortunately, overcoming the flavorless thing can be done healthily.All you have to do is add chopped, fresh fruit of your choice and enjoy.

Most ruit juices: Fruit juice is often assumed to be healthy.While juice contains some antioxidants and vitamin C, it also packs high amounts of liquidsugar. In fact, fruit juice harbors just as much sugar as sugary drinks — and sometimes evenmore. If you do want juice, make it fresh at home rather than going for the boxed ones.

Coffee Creamer: A lot of people need coffee first thing in the morning. But have you ever peeked at the ingredients on your fancy coffee creamer before pouring it in your coffee? You might be surprised to find the first three ingredients are often water, sugar, and then canola oil. Why is it bad for you?Well, it has very little nutritional value, and it does have unhealthy fats. Instead try half and half, regular cow’s milk, or a plant-based creamer. 

White Sugar: We know we’re kind of stating the obvious here, but what wasn’t so obvious until recently is that sugar is a far more serious cause of obesity than fat.According to research, the average American eats 90 or more grams of sugar every day. The World Health Organization has an even more restrictive recommendation at only 25grams per day.It’s very important that you keep your sugar levels under control.There are signs that can help you identify when your blood sugar is high.

Margarine: Butter used to have a bad reputation, with consumers leaning to margarine as a substitute. But palm oil is a main ingredient in margarine, which is high in unhealthy fats like saturated fat.You should try olive oil instead.

Artificial Sweeteners: Studies show that artificial sweeteners can actually lead to weight gainand make weight loss more difficult. This is because they do not activate the food rewards pathways in the brain like natural sugar does. Your brain never gets the signal that your craving has been satisfied.So you keep eating—even more than you would have eaten had you just used regular sugar. Not only will these sweeteners cause cravings since they are so sweet, but they also dull your taste for natural sugars like fruit or dairy.

Hydrogenated Oils: Typically used to prepare fried foods, fast food, or boxed baking mixes, these oils are scary. Not only are they calorically dense but your bodies struggle to break them down. And the by-products that are formed during digestion are basically toxic. These oils can contain high amounts of trans fat, which raises bad cholesterol, and lowers good cholesterol, throwing your body totally out of whack.

Microwave popcorn: Popcorn seems harmless enough. Air pop and stove top options can turn the movie theater staple into a decent source of satisfying fiber. But most times, it is overloaded with unhealthy fats, sky-high sodium levels, and in some cases, laced with carcinogens. Diacetyl is a cancer-causing chemical found in popcorn’s artificial fat.

Processed cheese: Cheese is healthy in moderation. It’s loaded with nutrients, and a single slice packs all the nutrients as a glass of milk.Still, processed cheese products are nothing like regular cheese. They’re mostly made with filler ingredients that are engineered to have a cheese-like appearance and texture. Make sure to read labels to confirm that your cheese contains dairy and few artificial ingredients.Eat real cheese instead. Healthy types include feta, mozzarella, and cottage cheeses. Many vegan cheese alternatives can also be good choices.

 Instant noodles: Here’s a good rule of thumb. When something has the word instant in its name, it’s likely that they’re doing something to the food to make it instant. They’ve probably stripped it down and taken away a bit of the fiber and the stuff that you actually want. Plus, the amount of sodium in instant noodles is extremely high, and they contain what’s called MSG. It is a flavor enhancer and is an addictive substance. It can increase hunger leading you to eat more.

White rice: White rice is refined and processed. This means it’s generally more destructive to your health than alternatives like ancient grains or wild rice. The main reason? It can have a negative impact on your blood sugar levels. In fact, because of that impact on blood sugar levels, eating it in excess has even been linked to increasing your risk of type 2 diabetes. While these foods should be kept out of your kitchen at all costs.