I am sure no one wants to die because of the foods they were happily chomping. There are a lot of foods that we eat daily without thinking twice about them. But sometimes you do need to know certain facts about them or they could harm you dangerously. 

#1 Puffer Fish

Pufferfish, more commonly known as blowfish, are cute to look at. They are the slow clumsy swimmers in the ocean famous for their elastic stomachs. A pufferfish can ingest a huge amount of water and air to inflate itself to several times their size. Pufferfish is considered a delicacy, especially in Japan and is called Fugu. Only professional licensed chefs can prepare this delicacy as pufferfish contain a deadly poison- tetrodotoxin. This poison is up to 1200 times moredeadly than cyanide. This amount of poison is enough to kill at least 30 adults. Only professional licensed chefs know how long to cook them and cut carefully to get rid of their toxicity. In fact, the US and UK have banned all sorts of import of the pufferfish. Pufferfish poisoning is very dangerous as there is no antidote. 

Symptoms of poisoning include burning sensation in the mouth and slow slurred speech. It progresses into irregular heartbeats until the respiratory system completely shuts down. Eating pufferfish sounds like a deadly dinner plan.

#2 Cherry Seeds 

Cherries are one of the most preferred fruits all over the world. What’s not to love about this delicious fruit? Well, turns out not everything. Cherry pits can be dangerous as they contain Amygdalin, which is basically cyanide. No matter how tempted you are, do not swallow cherry pits. A man in Lancashire almost died of cyanide poisoning because he ate 3 cherry pits. The man explained he cracked opened the pit to find something with almond texture inside. It was delicious, so he ate 3. A few minutes later he experienced drowsiness accompanied by hot flashes and was taken to the emergency room. Luckily, he survived the cyanide poisoning. Even if the label doesn’t say it, remember to not eat pits. All parts of a cherry tree are toxic, except the fruit.

#3 Shellfish 

Shellfish is considered a delicacy all over the world as it’s rich in lean protein, minerals, and healthy fats. It is believed that eating shellfish regularly can boost your immunity and promote heart and brain health. Then why did it make our list? For two reasons. First, and most common allergies. Every year 200,000 people in the US rush to emergency rooms due to food allergies. And shellfish is one of the most prevalent factors in causing seafood allergies in a lot of people. Second, They might contain heavy metals and contaminants along with dangerous microbes and harmful bacteria they absorb from the sea. Humans cannot excrete heavy metals. So, they accumulate in the body and can lead to organ damage in the future. Bacteria in the shellfish can cause dangerous food poisoning and illness. These pathogens are mostly found in raw shellfish or shellfish that has been chilled incorrectly. The best way to ensure pathogens are killed is to cook them properly. This includes no raw oysters as well.  

#4 Casu Marzu Cheese

A type of cheese that’s not for the faint of heart or stomach! Casu Marzu cheese is a traditional Sardinian variety extra fermented by the live maggots inside it. The live maggots partially decompose in the cheese, giving it the particular taste Casu Marzu is known for. Well, if you are not feeling this one, know that the US government is on your side. This cheese has been banned for obvious hygienic reasons.

#5 Hot Dogs 

What hot dogs? It can’t be true. After all, hot dogs are an American icon and everyone from kids to adults love them. Be it a picnic at the park or a random shopping spree, hot dogs are a delicious companion. Hot dogs aren’t poisonous and they do not contain those difficult to pronounce poisonous chemicals. Although they can be just as deadly. There is no poisonous chemicals lurking in its parts. Yet it can be deadly because of all the food-related chokings. A child in the United States dies of choking every five days and hot dogs are one of the most common foods children can choke on. If you take a look at the long cylindrical shape of the hot dog, you will understand how easy it is to choke on it if you are eating it in a hurry. The best way to give a hot dog to a child is to cut them lengthwise. Chop them up in small irregular shapes to reduce the chances of accidental choking.    

#6 Nutmeg 


It is one of the most flavorful spices that adds more taste to eggnog, coffee, and cupcakes. Nutmeg has a rich, aromatic, and nutty flavor. But in higher doses, it can be a potential hallucinogen. It takes about two teaspoons of nutmeg powder before you start feeling the powerful negative effects of it. In higher doses, it can cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. As the toxic effect progresses, it causes central nervous system excitation and can even lead to death. There have been scores of people who landed in the hospital while looking to get high on nutmeg powder. Nutmeg toxicity is definitely no joke. It is a surprise that a common spice sold in general stores can be this toxic and it is so easy to overdose on it. As long as you are adding just a tiny pinch of it to your coffee, you should be fine.

#7 Tomato Plants 

Tomatoes make for great salads, sandwiches, and of course- ketchup! Well, as good as tomatoes are, its plant can be toxic. This potentially lethal plant is a close relative of the bittersweet nightshade variety. Leaves and stems of tomato plants contain glycoalkaloids and solanine, both of which are toxic for humans. Symptoms of poisoning include dizziness, vomiting, and nausea. It can cause respiratory issues leading to death. The best way to avoid toxicity is by consuming only the tomatoes not its leaves or vines. Eat as many tomatoes you want. Just steer clear of the green parts!

#8 Ackee 

This exotic fruit from West Africa grows particularly in Jamaica and parts of the Caribbean. But you cannot get it into the US. There is a federal ban on the import and sale of this fruit. Though it can be brought in its canned form, the restrictions are pretty tight. Wonder why? It is because of this fruit’s potent toxicity. If the fruit hasn’t ripened fully, it can cause poisoning. The victim starts feeling weak, confused, and dehydrated within hours of consuming the unripened poisonous fruit. The condition can quickly transgress to seizures, coma, and eventually death. This is certainly the one fruit to not mess with!

#9 Apple Seeds

An apple a day keeps the doctor away… sure until you swallow the pits! Apples are a big part of the American food culture and are rightfully considered one of the healthiest fruits. But there is a potential danger associated with them. As you munch on an apple and reach the core, you will see the black pits, that is, apple seeds. Apple seeds contain amygdalin that releases cyanide when it comes into contact with human digestive enzymes.Apple seeds have an outer layer resistant to digestive juices but if you chew the seeds, you could end up with cyanide poisoning. The good news is it takes lots of apple seeds to give this toxic effect. So, spit the seeds out.

#10 Almonds

Remember the 2014 fiasco when a major supermarket chain had to recall its bitter almonds because they contained traces of hydrocyanic acid and glycoside amygdalin? Hydrocyanic acid and glycoside amygdalin get converted into hydrogen cyanide when heated or exposed to conditions and chemicals like that in the human stomach. Scary! Bitter almonds in their raw form are full of these potentially lethal chemicals.Thankfully, full heat treatment removes all the toxins. But that doesn’t mean you start roasting raw bitter almonds in your oven. Buy the treated ones!

#11 Sannakji- A Raw Octopus Dish

Octopus is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. Particularly the dish Sannakji that features raw octopus meant to be eaten while it is still squirming. Sure it might not be everyone’s cup of tea. But even for those who enjoy this dish, there’s a potential hazard. Even though the chef kills the octopus, there is residual nerve activity that allows it to wriggle. When you eat it, there are chances the suction cup could attach to your throat and cause choking.