 nursing your baby you should look out for some foods that might cause possible reactions in him. What a breastfeeding mother eats is very important for the baby. So, here is a list of what not to eat when breastfeeding.

1- Coffee

Coffee contains a lot of caffeine, and some of this caffeine might end up in breast milk. As babies cannot digest caffeine well, excess caffeine in their body affects them causing sleeplessness, irritation and crankiness.

2-Citrus Fruits

Baby's gastrointestinal tract is very immature. They cannot deal with the acidic components in citrus fruits resulting in fussiness, diaper rashes spitting up. 

 3- Broccoli 

If you had broccoli the previous day chances are your baby will have gassy problems the next day. 


Through breast milk alcohol passes from the mom to baby and affects his neurological development. Alcohol should strictly be avoided for the first two years.  

5- High mercury fish

Consuming fish or any other foods having high mercury content may cause mercury to enter breast milk. It's best to avoid fish with high mercury completely.


Until the baby is weaned avoid peanuts. Especially if the family has a medical history of allergies to peanuts. Peanuts allergic proteins might pass to the produced breast milk and then reach the baby, who may then suffer from wheezing hives or rashes. 


The smell of garlic can affect the smell of breast milk. Some babies might fuss or grimace at the breast, when they encounter the strong smell of garlic. 


Only a small dash of pepper is enough to hurt a few babies these babies will remain fussy for a really long time.


It is common for some babies and toddlers to be allergic to corn. This might cause rashes and discomfort in babies.

10- Eggs and shellfish

If somebody is allergic to eggs or shellfish in the immediate family, it is best to avoid these foods during breastfeeding.


 Since every pregnancy is different, and allergies might not occur in all babies. This list is for those mothers whose babies are allergic to certain foods or become fussy after feeding. In the case of allergies these foods should be strictly avoided during the first six weeks. The breastfeeding mother can have these foods in small quantities and then slowly switch back to her normal diet schedule. You'r baby could be allergic to only a few of these foods or sometimes he might not be affected by any of them. However, it is best to talk to your doctor before taking any food off your diet you.