What is a migraine ?

 A migraine is an intense pounding headache on one, or sometimes, both sides of the head. Migraine headaches can last for hours or even days. Migraine usually begins in the forehead, the side of the head, or around the eyes and gradually gets more severe. Just about any movement, activity, bright light, or loud noise makes the pain worse.


 Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms during a migraine.

 You may find it hard to believe that Migraine is the third most common disease in the world Around 1 in every 7 people suffer from migraine. An average person may spend around 5% of his life experiencing an attack of migraine and anxiety and depression are significantly more common in people with migraine than in healthy individuals. 


Luckily, scientists and researchers have found certain triggers which initiate an attack of migraine. a proactive person can easily avoid these and effectively prevent a migraine. A few of the fairly common triggers that initiate migraine and how you should control these triggers which will help you to manage your condition better.


A study done by Danish researchers found that 50 and 80 percent of people living with migraine report that their attacks are linked to stress. Some people specifically experience migraine after a stressful event, and some also experience a new attack during a stressful event. It is a very reasonable advice to control stress levels if you want to prevent migraine. People who don't manage stress well can have many other health issues as well like stomach pain, sleeping problems, illness, and depression. Various stress relieving techniques such as - Yoga, Meditation, time out techniques will prevent your stress levels from rising.


2. Lack of sleep 

Poor Sleep is one of the most common factorslinked to migraine and is often cited as a trigger for acute attacks of migraine. If you have an erratic sleep schedule you are not only more prone to develop migraine but are also at an increased risk of anxiety and depression. Many people report that sleep often relieves their migraine headaches. Sleep is vital for the brain, it recharges necessary nutrients, removes waste and consolidates memory. Hit the bed early, follow sleep hygiene, avoid electronic devices in bed, avoid unplanned daytime naps.

3. Hunger and thirst 

Research has shown that skipping meals is frequently linked to the onset of migraine. Fasting is also a very common trigger for migraine. It remains uncertain how this happens and It’s probably related to falling blood glucose levels. People with migraines are advised, not to skip meals. Even dehydration has been suggested as a possible migraine trigger due to involvement of hypothalamus - the thirst and hunger centre of the brain. A small survey of people with migraines revealed that “insufficient fluid intake” was linked to headache onset in about 40 percent of responders. Time your meals, drink plenty of water and if youre working always carry a water bottle and lunch. A good meal schedule goes a long way in ensuring you prevent migraine.

4. Foods and Food additives

 Certain foods are frequently reported as possible triggers for an attack of migraine. A 2008 Brazilian study found that among people with migraines - certain foods in their diet was one of the most frequently reported triggers. Chocolate, caffeine & alcohol were the most common substances associated with migraine attacks. If youre suffering from migraine its best to avoid these. Other foods frequently associated with migraine include: cheese and salami fermented, cured, and pickled foods, which contain large amounts of the amino acid tyramine even artificial sweeteners like aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG) have also been linked to migraine. MSG- is used to impart a savory flavor to various foods. Many people in the general public believe MSG can trigger headaches. Most controlled research has failed to identify a link between the consumption of MSG and headache, or any other condition, in normal individuals. However, a small 2009 study concluded that MSG could trigger headache and pain in the face and head. despite the conflicting evidence It may be wise to avoid MSG.

 5. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages

 Alcohol triggered migraine in about one-third of people in a 2008 Brazilian study, making it one of the most commonly reported triggers for migraine. A closer look at the study’s numbers shows that red wine disproportionately affects women, around 22 percent reported migraine headaches following red wine consumption. Some experts have reported that excessive caffeine consumption can trigger migraine and they suggest that it’s wise to monitor your intake of caffeine from coffee, tea, soft drinks, and energy drinks, that sudden burst of energy that you get from these beverages is actually caffeine playing its role. People with migraine must strictly avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages as these are notorious for causing intense episodes.